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Roma families Refugees.

After almost 4 months, several families from the Roma camp of Cupa Perillo (Scampia, Naples) which lost their homes in the arson of August 27th - caused, attending judiciary by local criminal groups related to Camorra organization - are still living inside the Scampia's Auditorium, but without any kind of aid anymore. They told me there's no hot water there and Municipality turns on the central heating only for 6 hours, since 6,30 pm to midnight.

"Money is gone" just told them Municipality.

What's really happened ? 

Slavic community of Cupa Perillo (Scampia, Naples) live in an huge suburban area close to a motorway junction, and persists there since several decades living peacefully with local citizens of Secondigliano.

When authorities fixed several times orders of forced eviction the entire community lost their every day life balance, threatened from a side by Police forces and their systematic abuses to move them away before the eviction, and from the other side by local criminal groups - related with Camorra organization - which took opportunity (moved from racism and intolerance) to get rid of them. 

On August 27th an huge fire inside the camp - made by local criminal groups - became a real arson which in few hours - without any instant operation by fire fighters - destroyed almost the entire Roma settlement leaving approximately 100 people without an home. 
Municipality stopped immediately all the forced eviction operations (fixed at first moment for September 11th) and moved the Roma refugees inside an Auditorium in Scampia. 

The mayor Luigi de Magistris and his councilor for social policies Roberta Gaeta promised to resolve the issue in few days, and telling the Roma community that for Christmas there would have been a housing solution. 
Today, after 4 months the almost 100 Roma refugee without an home lost during the arson of August are still living inside the Scampia's Auditorium, and since 2 months they are without any kind of aid by Municipality: there's no hot water and despite the cold of December, authorities turns on the central heating only for 6 hours, since 6,30 pm to midnight.

Text and photos © Claudio Menna


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