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Masseria del Pozzo was an ex open space dump in Giugliano (Campania) with illegal toxic trush and biogas release from the soil. There lived for a decade an huge Roma community (Slavic) which were forced by local authorities to move on in another location still in Giugliano, cause a massive environmental pollution of water and air with biogas release from the soil, extremely dangerous for every one lived there and around that area. The second space where they have been moved is still a former industrial area isolated from every kind of primary services, with no water, with an electrical connection not adequate for the entire community. 

They all come from slavic countries, moved in Italy almost 20 years ago due to poverty, unemployment and aftermath of war. 
The Roma community live in a reality out of time where with no services they have to devote themselves to agriculture and breeding with the clear risk to eat something poisoned by the toxic substances leaked in and around their camp, turned as all Roma camps in illegal dump where children's health is constantly at risk. This former industrial area being totally isolated doesn't  allow medical assistance for the elderly or the sick, and doesn't allow a school service for the kids who are left to fend for themselves.

As it's happening in other Roma informal settlements, here too local people wait to be moved in another uncontrolled area which certainly will be turned in a illegal dump where life expectations fall steadily leaving younger alone to their strange destiny. 
This is not what their parents expected years ago.

"There's no country for young men". 

(text and photos © Claudio Menna)


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